6-week Meal Plan

Do you feel sluggish in your body? 

Are you frustrated because you let yourself go in the past weeks? 

Do you want to feel good in your skin, fit better in the clothes you like, look great in a bikini, be fitter, more active, healthier and live longer?

If so, you are in the right place! 

I will design a meal plan for you that will be your road map to the lean body you always dreamt of without feeling your journey like a toruture; you won’t feel deprived, you will eat delicious and nutrition food every day to fuel your body.

You will get a vegan, science-based 6-week meal plan individualised for you. You won’t need to spend your precious time with unnecessary food thoughts, doubts and guesses what is the best thing to eat. I have done all the planning for you.

You will enjoy 4 delicious meals every day (food prepping once a week is recommended). 

At the weekend, you can have treats! You will get the most amazing recipes from my recipe books to choose from for your special weekend treats, e.g. chocolate cupcakes, death by peanut muffins, mac & cheese, cheesy cannelloni, etc - all vegan baby ;) 

You will get a

  • meal plan template

  • weekly meal overview cheat sheet

  • 5 pdf-files with 45 recipes

  • calorie and macronutrient targets

  • 6-week support: Weekly progress check-ins, I will make adjustment if necessary and answer your questions

Kate’s feedback on my meal plan.

Kate’s feedback on my meal plan.

What are you waiting for?

Start NOW!

The costs for the 6-week program are 197 Euro (equals to about US$237).

  1. Fill in this form

2. I will email you within 24 hours and your exciting journey to your best-self begins!!


Results others got with my programs

"4 week update: I've lost 3.8 kg, 5.5 cm around my waist. I feel really strong, can increase my weight at almost every session. Now I can really believe that I can finally achieve my goals." - Melinda M. 

"Hi Anastasia,

I want to really thank you for the amazing month I spent with you! I've learnt so much.... 

First that I could improve my muscle mass without eating meat!! One of my goals was to reduce meat in my diet, and.... it's so easy!!!

Then I learned that I can really challenge my body with a full body training. I wanted new physical challenge and that's a great one!!

My body has changed, my legs are leaner (-3cm on the top of my thighs) but stronger as I improved strength in each movement of the program. 

My back is also stronger, in only 1 month I can do 7 pull up (1 month ago I could only do 4)

I also lost 2 cm in my waist! And that makes me really happy!

Finally I lost nearly 1,5 kg!! (Everywhere I wanted to lose cm!).

Thank you for everything!" - Audrey V.

“A few weeks ago I couldn’t imagine wanting my results shared, but this program and your help have been godsend. 

I’ve lost 3 kg since starting your plan, and even before I weighed myself I noticed a lot of bloat and puffiness being gone in my mirror reflection. 

I finally feel capable during my workouts, I’ve noticed a lot of strength gain and stability where I lacked both in my first week doing this. 

With extreme flexing and the right lighting I’m even starting to see faint definition lol” - Kate 

“Anastasia is a great mentor, she is patient, detailed and has an ocean of knowledge on nutrition and fitness to share with her clients. I am lucky to have chosen her for my 12 week plan and would highly recommend her to anyone looking to change their lifestyle.” - Arjun J.